Practice Notes
Has it been more that 3 years since you reviewed your child support arrangement? Has there been a change in you or your former spouse's circumstances?
Family Law
No one seeks marital turmoil. However, if you find yourself in a broken relationship, our staff of experienced professionals are there to assist you. We can consult with you prior to separation regarding your rights, and, if necessary, guide you through the dissolution process. If there are children involved, we can assist you in drafting custody and support arrangements which meet the needs of you and your children. Other family law services include:
11 Cardigan Drive
St. Louis, M0 63135
Telephone 314.524.4513
Drafting, review and negotiation of pre and post nuptial agreements.
Modification of child support and child custody arrangements.
Drafting and review of marital separation agreements and initiation of marital dissolution proceedings.